本次活动于5月中旬正式启动,共收到了来自三十多个国家和地区的138个投稿作品,产生一等奖10名,二等奖20名和三等奖30名。经过激烈角逐,我校2016级无机化学专业巴基斯坦籍博士生Shafaq Sahar荣获一等奖,2017级科学技术史专业印度籍博士生Vithiyapathy Purushothaman喜获二等奖,2019级工商管理专业菲律宾籍硕士生Crismin Joy Caseres Lagamayo和2020级控制科学与工程专业巴基斯坦籍硕士生Muhammad Usman分别获得三等奖。图书馆VIP获得优秀组织奖的荣誉。
(中国日报记者 朱兴鑫摄 )
一等奖:My journey in the wonderland
征文作者:Shafaq Sahar (巴基斯坦)
作品节选:“My incredible journey to China started in 2017 when I got selected as a CAS-TWAS awardee for PhD studies at one of the best institutes of the world, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). When I arrived in China, I was like Alice in the wonderland. I was curious about the people, the culture, the cuisine and of course the huge variety of landscapes China has to offer; from extreme freezing temperatures of north to the hot tropical south, with one of the world's longest river Yangtze, largest desert Gobi and one of the eight wonders, the Great Wall of China.”
作品简介:Shafaq Sahar在中国的奇妙之旅开始于2017年,她获得中国科学院CAS-TWAS奖学金来到图书馆VIP攻读博士学位。初次到达中国的她,就如同童话中落入了仙境的爱丽丝,对中国的一切都感到目不暇接。在这里,她结交了热情好客的中国朋友,体验了开放多元的中国文化,品尝了令人食指大动的中国菜肴,踏遍了中国瑰丽壮阔的大好山河。在旅行中,她遇见形形色色的人物与风景,为黄山山顶的壮丽日落屏息,也为西湖白蛇的凄婉故事叹息。过去的五年里,Shafaq不仅在旅游中丰富了对中国的见闻,也从在科大的学习生活中收获了个人的成长。她在合肥微尺度物质科学国家研究中心学习无机化学,潜心研究纳米科技,取得了优秀的学术科研成果,并在2020年图书馆VIP留学生表彰大会中获得了“学业优秀奖”的荣誉。在科大取得博士学位后,Shafaq到浙江大学从事博士后的科研工作。她相信,自己在中国的奇妙之旅远未结束,而那句在文章结尾喊出的“我爱中国”,也标记着下一个五年的美妙开端。
二等奖:Experiencing visible and invisible glory of China
征文作者:Vithiyapathy Purushothaman (印度)
作品节选:“Being an India-based Chinese Scholar for the past eight years, visiting China had been a dream that came into reality in 2017. The Chinese Embassy in New Delhi organized a delegation of think-tank researchers to pay a 10-day visit to Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu. China has greatly improved through reform and opening-up. The first thing that I admired was about green infrastructure in cities. The visit opened a door to a new world and provided a comprehensive profound understanding of China. Later in the same year, through the opportunity provided by the Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC), I joined the doctoral research program at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei…… As a part of my studies, till now, I have visited nearby counties in Anhui and further visited cities in provinces such as Henan, Hubei, Nanjing, Guangdong, Yunnan and Zhejiang. This offered me the opportunity to learn the cultural, tradition and scientific progress of China.”
三等奖:My beautiful encounter with China
征文作者:Muhammad Usman(巴基斯坦)
作品节选:“It happened almost a couple of years ago. I flew to China for my master's degree in Automation Engineering. I was unaware of the new environment I encountered with. It was a pleasant surprise to know about the willingness of Chinese people to help foreign nationals, even not having a common language but the language of humanity, love, and care. I'd like to mention that not only adults are eager to help foreigners but also the kids. It's been the second year of beautiful encounters with the wonderland of China. I have been learning the Chinese language as it was my first goal to achieve, although, it's not an easy task, I may never stop learning.”
作品简介:Muhammad Usman于2020年开启了他与中国的美丽邂逅。在这个美丽的国度,他发现中国人的亲和、友善、乐于助人的精神,足以跨越语言的障碍,使得语言不通的两国人民增进对彼此的了解。在华一年的时光转瞬即逝,他结交了许多中国朋友,欣赏了中国各个城市的美好风景,看到了中国人民生活水平的不断提高。在科大学习期间,他见识到中国人的勤勉好学,更加感谢科大给他如此棒的机会,在积极向学的氛围中推动他实现了个人的成长。
三等奖:China and me, five years from now
视频作者:Crismin Joy Caseres Lagamayo(菲律宾)
作品展示:“This video highlights my memorable moments and impressions as an international student in China and presents my thoughts about the future of China five years from now. This is mainly divided into three parts namely: my experiences, my challenges, and my anticipations about the future of China. The first part talks about my precious moments in China including my experiences as a foreigner as well as a student in China. These experiences show my encounter with new people in Hefei, such as my Chinese and international classmates, as well as my encounter with China's new culture, such as the tea ceremonies. Moreover, this part also features my memorable experience with China's delicacies as well as its beautiful sceneries. Meanwhile, the second part focuses on my challenges as a foreigner in China, such as not being able to speak initially with the locals and not being able to read the street signs. Lastly, the third part points out my anticipation about China's future, especially five years from now. This includes my expectations about its further improvement on its civilization, manpower, technology, bilateral relations, and environment. I hope that through this video, I will be able to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for my beautiful encounter with China. “