时间:2020-06-09,AM 09:42



“If represent my homeland in lines, I would choose the poem “Spring” of contemporary Ukrainian poetess Sonia Bure (pen name). Ukraine is considered to be a country of beautiful people, but our language is beautiful as well. The Ukrainian language is characterized by softness, singability, and sincerity. I chose the poem “Spring” because if to tell the word “spring” to any Ukrainian native speaker, they will immediately say “girl”. The poem contains worldly wisdom, and filial love for our land, motherland, and our people. There are huge love and respect for women in my culture, they all are springs, touching the world with their external and internal beauty. Read the beautiful poem by Sonya Bure, think, empathize, learn a piece of Ukrainian culture, and let it find a response in Your heart.   ”---Liudmyla Klymchuk (School of Management)

Liudmyla Klymchuk与我们分享了来自乌克兰当代女诗人Sonia Bure(笔名)的诗《春天》。在乌克兰人的心中春天和女孩一样美好,如果向乌克兰人说出“春天”一词,他们会立刻联想到“女孩”。经历了万木凋零寒风刺骨的冬天,春之女神Leya从沉睡中醒来,一片生机盎然,大自然在此时焕发出动人的光辉。她秀发浓密,头戴花冠,赤脚行走在森林中、田野里,她与鸟儿嬉戏,与动物追逐。这首诗包含着乌克兰文化中对女性的爱与尊重,诗里不仅呈现了春之女神优雅、美丽、温柔的形象,也展现出生命之美唤起的欢愉。



I do write a lot usually both poems and literature. Its my original poem i wrote for my country describing the culture and beauty of Pakistan.  ----SUNILA (School of Physical Sciences)




此篇是元末明初诗人唐温如的唯一一首传世之作,有关诗人,历史上无任何记载,但是诗中最后一句“醉后不知天在水,满船清梦压星河”却成为传世名句。诗人在洞庭湖上泛舟,西风萧瑟,吹起阵阵微波,就像那湘水女神飘逸的满头银发,诗人喝醉了酒,拿着酒壶,看着湖中天上群星的倒影,竟不知自己是在船上还是在星河里泛舟,意境之美堪比盛唐,诗人身处元末明初乱世,空有一腔抱负,功名梦,曾被秋风唤醒,可惜蹉跎半生,无一事已为,悲凉,苦楚都化作身边的一壶美酒,半梦半醒泛舟在洞庭湖上,湖光相映,却更像在星河中前行,这漫天美景让人恍然隔世,但是醒来之后,却发现只是大梦一场罢了。--- 秦明鑫(Mingxin Qin) 化学与材料科学学院(School of Chemistry and Materials Science)


Armenian poet Hamo Sahyan (Hmayak Sahaki Grigoryan) is one of the most prominent writers of the 20th century in Armenia. The main topics of his poems are dedicated to the love towards his motherland and respect towards humans. The poem called “Day Turned Dark ” is a brilliant depiction of the beauty of nature, memories filled with tenderness and naïve recollections from childhood. While reading this poem, you are absorbed in its beautiful depictions, which may take you out from reality for a while. In this poem, the poet tells about his childhood memories, when the whole family gathered in the evenings. When the day gradually turns into evening the atmosphere of melancholy rises as well. The whole family is waiting for grandpa, the head of the family.  ---Satine Tadevosyan (School of Humanities and Social Science)

亚美尼亚诗人Hamo Sahyan(Hmayak Sahaki Grigoryan)是20世纪亚美尼亚最杰出的作家之一。他诗歌的主题大多是表达对祖国的爱和对人类的尊重,也有许多献给童年、家乡、爱情的。Satine Tadevosyan与我们分享的这首诗充满了温柔和童趣的天真回忆,诗人用生的语言讲述了他的童年时光,将灵魂融入诗歌和艺术之中,让读者置身其中身临其境。



Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı(1910-1956) was one of the legendary Turkish poet and author. The poet, who reflects his happiness, joys, troubles and unrest to his stories and poems, has included images in his poems. His pessimistic personality and perspective on life reflects the meanings of loneliness, fear, anxiety, helplessness and loneliness in his poems. But, even how bad everything is he still can express that there is still hope. And, people can’t live without hope. This is what I like about him. With his different and expressive style tells about the phenomenon of the country he wants in his poem which I shared with you. This poem truly gives us the spirit to hope to look for a better future. Let’s open our eyes and take action. It’s in our hands to shape the future of our country.  --- CAN MUDERRISOGLU (School of Management)



感谢所有学生的精彩投稿,“诗意的世界”诗歌分享活动Part 2也即将上线,请持续关注!

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